English Sitemap

 ■ Call for Papers and Participants First International Conferenc on Urban Earhquake Engineering

March 8-9, 2004
Suzukake Hall, Suzukake-dai Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

The First International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering will be held on March 8-9, 2004 at Suzukake Hall, Suzukake-dai Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology. The Conference is organized by the Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering (CUEE), Tokyo Institute of Technology. The Conference aims to provide a platform for research and practice among scientists, engineers, researchers and planners addressing the issues of earthquake disaster mitigation in seismically active urban areas. The Conference will feature state-of-the-art technical presentations on various themes relevant to the urban earthquake engineering. The official language of the Conference is English.

Authors are invited to submit an ABSTRACT of not exceeding 300 words by November 17, 2003 to CUEE Office by e-mail (conf@cuee.titech.ac.jp). Abstracts received after November 17, 2003, or those with incomplete information, may be rejected without review.

Abstract will be reviewed promptly, and authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by November 24, 2003. Manuscripts for accepted abstracts are due by February 14, 2004.

Submitted abstracts must indicate the Title of Presentation, List of Authors with identification of Presenting Author, Full Mailing Address, E-mail Address, Telephone and Fax Number of the Corresponding Author, and the Major Topics Category from the list.

The presentation and participation to the Conference will be free. The authors and registered participants will have a copy of the Proceedings. It is a requirement of the submission of abstract that the authors will present their papers at the Conference.

1. Advanced Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Technology
1.1 Seismic hazard and risk simulation technology
1.2 Smart material structures
1.3 Intelligent passive and active control
1.4 Real time processing of ground profile survey
1.5 High seismic performance foundations
1.6 Real time earthquake information system

2. Renewal Technology for Urban Earthquake Resistance
2.1 Seismic evaluation of existing facilities in urban areas
2.2 Comprehensive disaster mitigation technology for ground and underground structures
2.3 Seismic retrofit technologies for urban facilities with inadequate seismic performance
2.4 Seismic retrofit technologies with limited environmental impact
2.5 Regional planning for mitigating fire spread
2.6 Evacuation planning
2.7 Universal design for disaster mitigation

3. Strategic Plan for Urban Seismic Risk Mitigation
3.1 Evaluation of urban seismic risk
3.2 Evaluation of investment required for risk reduction
3.3 Performance-based design
3.4 Damage control design
3.5 Earthquake education


Name __________________________________________________
Last Middle First

Affiliation _________________________________________________
Mailing Address:_____________________________________________
City:_____________________________, Postal Code:_______________
State: ____________________, Country:_________________________
Phone: _______________________, Fax: ________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________

Please tick the appropriate line(s) below:

__ I am interested to attend and present a paper with the title of:

__ I am interested to attend the conference:

and send by fax to CUEE Suzukake-dai Office (Fax: +81-(0)45-924-5574) or by email to conf@cuee.titech.ac.jp.

Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering (CUEE), Tokyo Institute of Technology
CUEE Suzukake-dai Office
Department of Built Environment, Nagatsuda, Midori, Yokohama, Japan 226-8502
Tel: +81-(0)45-924-5576, Fax: +81-(0)45-924-5574

CUEE O-okayama Office
Department of Architectural and Building Engineering, O-Okayama, Meguro, Tokyo, Japan 152-8552
Tel: +81-(0)3-5734-3200, Fax: 81-(0)3-5734-3200

e-mail: office@cuee.titech.ac.jp
